nedelja, 18. januar 2009

How to Bear Love?

Žur za vse medvede in njihove občudovalce ter ljubitelje usnja. Pridite v klub Tiffany 13.2. ob 22.

Glasba: 80a in plesna

Ob 22:00 pogovor na temo Bear subkulture.
Na voljo bo nova številka GLBT revije NAROBE.

Vstopnina 3€.

Posebno obvestilo: Bar v klubu je zaprt zato prinesite pijačo s seboj ali jo kupite v okoliških klubih.

Slovenia for Gay Travelers
Hostel Zeppelin
Hostel Celica (50m from club)
Hostel Bit Hostel in hotel Park



Party for all bears, their admirers and man who love leather.
Music: 80s and dance.
New issue of a magazine NAROBE will be available for free.
Dress code: jeans and fetish (very welcome)

Time and Place Start Time: Friday, February 13, 2009 at 10:00pm
Location: Club Tiffany, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Street: Masarykova cesta 24
City/Town: Ljubljana, Slovenia 

At 22:00 talk about Bear subculture.

Admission: 3€

Special note: Bar in the club is not working so bring your own drink (you can get beer (0,5l) in surrounding bars for just 1,5€)

Contact Info Email:

Accomodation and tours:
Slovenia for Gay Travelers

Hostel Zeppelin
Hostel Celica (50m from club)
Hostel Bit
Hostel in hotel Park

How to get there:

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